Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Book of the Week 11/18/13

Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes

It should be obvious, but it a spoiler alert is necessary.

What struck me the most about Flowers for Algernon is the fact that everyone else was completely in denial about the ending. We all knew it was coming. Algernon was clearly going to die; with "Flowers for Algernon" as the title, what else could possibly happen? Algernon dies. Obviously. And everything that happens to Algernon happens to Charlie. I think - no, I know Charlie is a dead man. Dead. The question is, what would have happened if he hadn't had the mental decline?

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Book of the Week 11/11/13

Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes
This might just be fan-art or a banner or something, but I like it.

I think Flowers for Algernon includes an incredible amount of symbolism in Algernon, mainly because even to the scientists, he represents the experiment, and therefore Charlie. What happens to Algernon happens to Charlie, which isn't a good sign when Algernon starts "deteriorating." Even though Charlie notices this, he acts unafraid as if he's trying to ignore it or like he doesn't even care about his own life anymore. Maybe he wants to go back to being the old Charlie?
By the way, I think you all have been in denial since the beginning. The book is titled, "Flowers for Algernon." And what kind of person do you give flowers to? Either a lover or a dead person. And considering that Algernon isn't exactly in a relationship with Charlie, but the two are certainly linked, this doesn't bode well for Charlie. Flowers for Algernon - dead Algernon. Dead Algernon = dead Charlie. If you weren't expecting this, you're kidding yourself.
Don't get me wrong - Charlie may be doomed, but that doesn't mean it's a bad book. An author willing to kill the main character shows bravery.

And that brings me to you, my dear Veronica Roth. Oh boy.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Book of the Week 11/4/13

Vampire Kisses: Dance with a Vampire by Ellen Schreiber

Dance with a Vampire is the fourth book in the Vampire Kisses series. I've always really liked the main character's personality throughout the whole series and her attitude is funny and spunky. Most of the series, she faces more serious, large-scale problems, so it's fun to focus on her own life a bit. I guess it's another dumb vampire love story, but it has interesting characters and it's fun to read.
It's fantasy or semi-realistic fiction. I liked it, but I doubt any of you guys will. *lol*
Here's a pic:

WARNING: Don't Read It              lol

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Book of the Week 10/28/13

Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher
"You can't stop the future. You can't rewind the past. The only way to learn the secret is to press play."

 Thirteen Reasons Why is a really powerful book. Hannah Baker is much more than just a girl who commits suicide. She comes alive in her stories, and a lot of the story takes place before she died, even though her death occurred before the book begins. I didn't really like the last scene, but the rest of the book is really good. Hannah makes you think about life and what people do when they're giving up.